Dear Friends,
The 2022 election year is underway. Therefore, I am in the important process of gaining significant and meaningful support from our citizens, businesses and other organizations for my campaign to run for Crow Wing County Sheriff. With your support we can make this a reality!
I look forward to serving as your next sheriff. With my extensive education, experience, training and commitment to customer service, I know that I’m the best choice for sheriff. You may wonder why I am doing this again. My answer is simple. I believe in this county and the people here. We need an excellent sheriff — one that is a true law enforcement leader.
Of course, it goes without saying that a successful campaign must have support from a majority of its citizens and generous contributions for its many campaign expenses. I am sincerely asking for not only your vote, but your financial help. I simply cannot win without your assistance. Your contribution would be greatly appreciated, whatever the amount. The maximum allowable donation, however, is $600 dollars per family member.
Donate via PayPal here:
To pay by check, send your contributions to:
Klang for Sheriff Committee
14048 Cherrywood Drive
Baxter, MN 56425
Thank you for your consideration and your assistance in this partnership!
Eric Klang
While financial donations are needed and much appreciated, a donation of just a few hours of your time will also help Eric win. Such as:
• Placing a sign in your yard.
• Hosting an event at your home so others can “Meet Eric.”
• Going door-to-door with brochures introducing Eric.
• Sending postcards or emails to your friends.
• Volunteering time for the campaign.
• Participating in 4th of July Parades.
• Just let me know what I can do.
• Get Out the Vote.